Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Some of our frequently asked questions.
If you will also like to ask us a question, please click here to contact us and an executive will be in touch with you shortly.
What is the Institutes Role 25 years on and what progress has been made?
The Institute's continuing role as a body governs the entry to the profession of its members, providing education and training of Legal Executives, conferring awards on its members, developing the position of the Legal Executive in the legal profession and legal areas, gaining recognition and respect for members of the Institute.
Legal Executives Fellows in UK are authorised persons to become a Partner under the Legal Services Act 2007, Fellows are eligible to apply for Judicial appointments under the Tribunals Courts & Enforcement Act 2007, Legal Executive Advocates wear wigs & gowns, and are issued with an Advocacy Certificate in Criminal Proceedings and can appear at Crown Court.
Access to the Four Courts?
The Irish Institute of Legal Executives are delighted to inform you that Security Access Cards are now available to the Four Courts complex Application forms are available on the Courts Service Website –
Can IILEX do anything about job cut backs, salary reductions, or salary scales?
All contracts are between Employer and Employee and IILEX cannot interfere in this matter, nor can we be a Trade Union under the Code of Rules. We cannot therefore dictate salary scales. We do from time to time watch surveys on the current market being offered when jobs are advertised. A lot of our members have been working many years in offices and their salary is sometimes dependent on the time in employment as well as the work they do. We could not dictate a salary for these reasons.
Can Legal Executives looking for a job use the web site to advertise?
We would welcome advertisements from Legal Executives looking for jobs or indeed from Solicitors Offices looking for Legal Executives. Any advertisement must comply with the Law Society Guidelines (No recruitment advertisements will be published that include references to years of post-qualification experience.) We would also support any group of Legal Executives who wished to come together to discuss the jobs situation.
We would like to see more newsletters, or articles of interest included in it?
We issued an Official Journal each year as well as the Directory of Members which is always very well received by our members and this continues. A lot of hard work goes into preparing it and we would like more members to participate and contribute to it each year.