IILEX Diploma Course

IILEX Diploma Course


Course Outline & Structure

This Diploma programme has been designed with input from past graduates, members of our legal academic team, from employers in legal practice and from The Irish Institute of Legal Executives.

The majority of students will complete the Diploma in Legal Studies and Practice in one academic year. Students will attend class three evenings per week (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) from 6.00pm - 10.00pm each evening. Students can also choose to undertake the course over two academic years by attending class two evening per week one year, and one evening per week another year.

The course will commence in early September each year and students are also invited to an induction meeting with the lecturing staff and support team before term starts. The programme finishes in late May.

On successful completion of the 60 credit (twelve subjects) programme, students will be awarded a Diploma in Legal Studies and Practice and are eligible to become Associate  Members of the Irish Institute of Legal Executives. Graduates may enter the second year of the LLB (Hons) in Irish Law degree in Griffith College Cork or Dublin. More details on further study and progression routes are available from the Course Director and the support team.

James Kane , Griffith College as Programme Director of the DLSP  Course.

The Diploma In Legal Studies and Practice ( QQ1 Level 7 Special Purpose Award ) is the only programme recognised by the Irish IInstitute of Legal Executives




Click here to download an application form for Dublin, Cork and Distance Learning.

For further information regarding the IILEX Diploma Course In Cork and Dublin and Online Learning ,contact:-

Griffith College Cork - E-Mail law@griffith.ie - Tel.- (021) 4507027

Griffith College Dublin - E-Mail law@griffith.ie - Tel - (01) 415 0462