Entering the Four CourtsCongratulations to Ita O’GaraGroup Photograph of DLS&P Graduation and Conferring at Griffith College Dublin on 7 November 2019Conferring and Graduation Ceremony of the DSL&P Course 2019 at Griffith College Cork2019 Travelers Irish Law Awards OverviewCONGRATULATIONS TO DEIRDRE O’DONOVAN, MCCARTHY AND CO., SOLICITORS WHO WAS AWARDED BEST LEGAL EXECUTIVE OF THE YEAR 2019 AT THE TRAVELERS IRISH LAW AWARDS 20192019 Travelers Irish Law AwardsCONFERRING AND GRADUATION CEREMONY CORK 2018FRANK CRUMMY PERPETUAL AWARDGRIFFITH COLLEGE CONFERRING AND GRADUATION DUBLIN 2018TALK ON MEMBERSHIP BY IILEX AT GRIFFITH COLLEGECongratulations to Jennifer Weafer who was awarded best Legal Executive of the Year 2018 at the Clinch Wealth Management Irish Law AwardsCONGRATULATIONS TO GILLIAN MOORE WHO WAS AWARDED BEST LEGAL EXECUTIVE OF THE YEAR 2017 AT THE AIB PRIVATE BANKING, IRISH LAW AWARDS 2017Congratulations to Paul Brennan awarded Legal Executive of the year 2016 at the Irish Law Awards 2016.CONGRATULATIONS TO JACCI FOX WHO HAS BEEN AWARDED LEGAL EXECUTIVE OF THE YEAR 2015 AT THE IRISH LAW AWARDS 2015.CONGRATULATIONS TO MARIE MCSWEENEY AWARDED LEGAL EXECUTIVE OF THE YEAR 2014 AT THE IRISH LAW AWARDS 2014

Entering the Four Courts

Entering the Four Courts
Officially launched at the King's Inns, Henrietta Street, Dublin 7 on Tuesday 26 November 2019.

( Permission for publication by kind courtesy of Paul & Maria Hanna , Hanna Fine Art )

Four Courts


The Irish Women Lawyers Association - in association with the Bar of Ireland and Irish Legal News - is delighted to release Hanna Fine Art's print of Irish artist Stephen McClean's original oil on canvas, “Entering the Four Courts”.

This print is being published in a limited edition of only 250 prints to mark the centenary of the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919 - which enabled women to become barristers, solicitors, jurors and magistrates - and to celebrate the role and contribution of women to the legal profession in Ireland over the last 100 years.

As you can see from the attached pictures, every print in the edition has been individually hand-signed by Mary Robinson, first female President of Ireland and Susan Denham, first female Chief Justice of Ireland.

The print will raise funds and awareness for Breast Cancer Awareness and the Denham Fellowship. It was formally released on 26th November 2019 at the King's Inns. Any one who would like to make further enquiries about one of these historical prints please contact Maria Hanna on 085 112 2388 or email modernirishart@btinternet.co

Congratulations to Ita O’Gara

Congratulations is extended to Director/ Student Liaison Officer, Ita O' Gara on her appointment as Fellow of the Irish Institute of Legal Executives - ( IILEX )

Group Photograph of DLS&P Graduation and Conferring at Griffith College Dublin on 7 November 2019

Dublin Graduation 2019

Seated Lr -Rt  :- Sarah Bryan O' Sulllivan , Programme Director/ Lecturer  Law Faculty,  John Eardly, Programme Director / Lecturer Law Faculty , Josephine Feehily , Recipient of Distinguished Fellowship Award made by Griffith College, Professor Diarmuid Hegarty ,President of Griffith College , Karen Sutton Head of Law Faculty , Mary B. O' Dwyer , Director of the Irish Institute of Legal Executives and Dr. Tomás Mac Eochagáin , Director of Griffith College

Standing Rows 2 & 3 :- Graduates of the Diploma in Legal Studies and Practice 2019.

Conferring and Graduation Ceremony of the DSL&P Course 2019 at Griffith College Cork

Cork Graduation

Seated ( lr-rt) :-Karen Sutton , Head of Law Faculty, GCD, Nicholas  Mc Murry . Programme Director Law Faculty, GCC, Noel Daly , Deputy  Head of Griffith College Cork,  Professor Diarmuid Hegarty, President of Griffith College , Linda Mellerick, Distinguished Graduate 2019 and Tomás Mac Eochagáin, Director and Head of Academic Programmes at Griffith College .

Standing- Rows 2&3;- Graduates of the Diploma in Legal Studies and Practice ( QQI Level 7 Special Purpose Award ) 2019.


2019 Travelers Irish Law Awards Overview

The Irish Law Awards was held in the Clayton Hotel, Burlington Road, on Friday 14th June 2019. The Black Tie event was hosted by Ivan Yates Irish Broadcaster/Businessman. The main sponsor of this year’s event was Travelers Insurance Designated Activity Company.

These Awards are in their 8th year and identify and celebrate outstanding achievements by those dedicated to the Irish Legal Profession.

The Irish Institute of Legal Executives (IILEx) are honoured to be included in these Awards as dedicated professionals in the Legal Sector.

The evening was a tremendous success. We are pleased to announce and congratulate Deirdre O’Donovan from McCarthy & Co Solicitors as winner of Legal Executive of the Year 2019.

It was an honour to be in attendance with my colleagues and fellow Directors Deborah Walsh Chairperson Eka Chuks IT Director and Gabriel Canning Director representing the Irish Institute of Legal Executives (IILEx).

On behalf of the Irish Institute of Legal Executives (IILEx) I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all Winners and nominees who participated in the prestigious Irish Law Awards 2019 and continued success to all who dedicate themselves to making the Irish Legal Profession successful.

Deirdre Butler President Irish Institute of Legal Executives (IILEx)



The Irish Institute of Legal Executives - (IILEX) is featured among the sponsors of the Travelers Irish Law Awards 2019

Deirdre O' Donovan

Standing Left Right :- Deirdre O Donovan, Winner of the best Legal Executive of 2019 at the Travelers Irish Law Awards 2019 being presented with her Award by Ivan Yates , Presenter of the Irish Law Awards / /National Media Broadcaster

2019 Travelers Irish Law Awards

Standing -Left - Right :- Deborah Walsh , Chairperson of IILEX,  Deirdre O' Donovan, Winner of the Best Legal Executive 2019 , Deirdre Butler , President of IILEX and Ekaette  E. Chukwougar , Director of IT.


Standing -Left - Right :- Deborah Walsh , Chairperson of IILEX, Deirdre Butler , President of IILEX and Ekaette  E. Chukwougar , Director of IT.

Standing- Left - Right:- Deborah Walsh , Chairperson ,  IILEX , Ivan Yates,  National Media Broadcaster  and  Presenter of 2019 Travelers Irish Law Awards and Deirdre Butler . Chairperson of IILEX

Standing- Left - Right:- Ekaette E. Chukwuoger , Director of IT IILEX , Ivan Yates ,  National Media Broadcater  and  Presenter of 2019 Travelers Irish Law Awards and Deirdre Butler . Chairperson of IILEX.


Griffin College Cork Graduation 23 Nov 2018
(Picture by: Lafayette Photography)

Seated in the front row -From left  :- Tomás MacEochagáin – Head of Academic Programmes in Griffith College, Marcus Gatto – Programme Director   LLB ( Hons ) via Blended Learning , Griffith College. Jenni Cashman – Programmes Leader, Law Faculty, Cork, Cllr Des Cahill - Deputy Lord Mayor, Cork City, Professor Diarmaid Hegarty- President of Griffith College,  IILEX Representative .Cork ,and  Noel Daly ,Deputy Head of Griffith College, Cork.

Standing back row :- Graduates of the DLS&P Course


08/11/2018, Griffith Conferring Ceremony (Picture by: Lafayette Photography)

(l-r Catherine Geoghegan best student in the Diploma in Legal Studiesand Practice   ( QQ1 Level 7 Special Purpose Award ) 2018 and Prize Winner of the Frank Crummy Perpetual Award which on the occasion is being presented by Frank Crummy


08/11/2018, Griffith Conferring Ceremony (Picture by: Lafayette Photography)

Front row ;- Professor Diarmuid Hegarty , President of Griffith College together with various members of Academic staff , Griffith College and Directors of the Irish Institute of Legal Executives ( IILEX ) , , Frank Crummy and Mary B. O' Dwyer at the Conferring and Graduation Ceremony of the DLS&P Course on 8th November 2018

Back Row/;- Students of the Diploma in Legal Studies and Practice ( QQ1 Level 7 Special Purpose Award ) 2018 who graduated with their Diplomas


Live talk by IILEX at Griffith College Dublin and on line to students of the DLS&P Course  2018/19


Date; - 27/03/2019


Topic- Membership of the  Irish  Institute of Legal Executives    -


The Programme  Director of the Diploma in Legal Studies and Practice (James Kane  ) Griffith College Dublin sent a communication on 14th March 2019  to all the 2018/19 intake of students for the above  talk on 27th March. Griffith College Law Department hosted our talk. Institute Administrator, Rose Whelan and  two Board members Joe Hughes and Ita O'Gara welcomed the students present.


The purpose of the evening was to outline the history of the Institute , how we advance the interests of the students. types of memberships, entitlements. Keeping students and  others  informed of developments in the law and legal practice through the  medium of  " 'The Brief'."

Joe Hughes (Education Director) addressed routes to full membership. This was supported by a very interesting  and instructive case study in this area.

Application forms for admission for student membership were distributed to those present that evening and on -line students were also addressed on how to become members.


This was informal ,the issue of career change and how to  follow this new career as a Legal Executive was requested. In response an outline of how the college gives it support was indicated.


This was a successful evening with a reasonable attendance.  It would be useful if IILEX could get feedback from those who viewed  the talk on line.

Last but not least sincere thanks to Matthew Judge Law Lecturer , Griffith College who afforded his lecture time for this talk.  Special thanks to Rose Whelan our Administrator for her efficient organisation for the 20th and 27th events at Griffith College .


The Irish Law Awards 2014 : Picture Robbie Reynolds Photography.

Congratulations to Marie McSweeney who has been awarded Legal Executive of the Year at the Irish Law Awards 2014. All at IILEX are very proud and very happy that Marie's hard work and achievements to date in her career have been acknowledged

Marie McSweeney has worked in Ronan Daly Jermyn, Solicitor's Office - (Cork Branch) for over 35 years. She works in the Litigation Department within the Corporate Recovery Unit. Marie has responsibility in dealing with large and small commercial clients and financial institutions and pursues the recovery of outstanding debts on their behalf through all levels of the Courts, from District Court through to High Court. Marie meets with clients, deals with any queries that may arise and runs the various files from initial instructions through to final Judgment as well as enforcement of Judgments together with ensuring the smooth running of the team.

Marie also has a Human Resources role within the office, dealing with staffing matters, interviewing candidates for job vacancies, keeping personnel records, Staff Committee liaison and monitoring work loads throughout the office.

Marie has also lectured to College students in debt collection procedures through the District, Circuit and High Courts.

Marie has maintained and progressed her career through her qualities as an efficient, clear thinking, hard working, trustworthy and highly experienced Legal Executive.

Irish Institute of Legal Executives –IILEX

May 2014